
Poor Megan has been struck with the worst case of conjunctivitis I have ever seen. She has been waking up with her eyes glued together with dried puss. Gross, I know! I should have taken a before photo of her this morning, but my first thought was to clean her up so that she could open her eyes. I’m not sure if her eyes are swollen and bloodshot from the infection, or from my trying-to-be-gentle scraping of gunk from her eyelids and eyelashes!


They stay this red and sore-looking all day…poor love!

Because it is so highly contagious, we’ve had to cancel appointments at the dentist and optometrist, a visit with friends at the beach, and one the few Mother’s Groups dates we have left before school starts in a few weeks.

She’s taken it like a trooper though, only complaining when I come near her with a tissue soaked in saltwater. We went to the doctor on Monday, and he said saltwater clears conjunctivitis just as easily as antibiotics, but he gave us a prescription just in case. We went with the chemical-free route first, but since it’s not getting better AT ALL after 4 days, Mike is filling the medication script as we speak.

Having an excuse to simply hang out at home is usually a godsend. However, it’s my Nana’s 90th birthday party this weekend with the ENTIRE extended family, and were are making a mini-holiday of it, camping on my cousins’ property for a few days before the big event. So, the need to clear up the infection before mingling with loads of celebrating relations is pretty important!

10 thoughts on “Conjuntivitis…

  1. We use clorisig on the first case of conjunctivitis. Over the counter from the chemist and is a godsend. So many bouts of it last year I have one on standby in the fridge. Good luck. It’s so horrible.

  2. My son has had this a couple of time – they always get it at daycare. Anyway you can actually get the drops over the counter at the chemist these days. No need to visit dr for a script.They will still dispense like a script so need patient name etc. Just so you know for future!

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