Toddlers are easier!

I know each phase of a young child’s life has it’s own challenges and rewards. But my kids are toddlers and beyond now, so shopping is a breeze! We had to race out to the shops today to grab just something quick and it was so nice to just throw the kids in the car…and […]

An eye on Dad

The past few days I have been sick. Nothing drastic, but enough to make me feel lousy and need to rest. Luckily Mike saw the need to step up and take control…and has proven entirely capable. He has come home from work the last two nights and cooked dinner. The meal was already decided and […]

Introducing Moo!

In previous posts you will have read about the trouble of having to wash Megan’s cuddly comfort toy. As you can see, Moo is a very much loved “friend” of Megan. The world just isn’t right without Moo and her thumb going to bed…

The lesser of two evils

Motherhood is constantly full of choice…breast or bottle…cloth or disposable…boarding school or slave traders!!! The choice at this point in time was…1. Let the kids play together, unsupervised, and have a little time to myself.2. Structure their playtime with educational experiences worthy of a teacher. Duh…easy choice!! However the amount of effort involved somehow manages […]